As we get closer to Election Day, police in Dartmouth, Massachusetts say there's been a rise in calls related to politics.
Across the country, including in some of the nation’s presidential swing states, new or recently altered state laws are changing how Americans will vote, tally ballots, and administer and certify November’s election.
Key election officials say they’re prepared to certify 2024 presidential election results if county governments go rogue.
The latest Gallup report found the GOP has an advantage in eight out of 10 measures of the presidential election — including presidential job approval and economic confidence. Seven of these measures have a strong or moderate link to past presidential election outcomes.
Across the country, new or recently altered state laws are changing how Americans will vote, tally ballots, and administer and certify November’s election.
Polls by “select pollsters” are shown with a diamond. These pollsters have backgrounds that tend to mean they are more reliable. Also, polls that were conducted by or for partisan organizations are labeled, as they often release only results that are favorable to their cause.
Polls by “select pollsters” are shown with a diamond. These pollsters have backgrounds that tend to mean they are more reliable. Also, polls that were conducted by or for partisan organizations are labeled, as they often release only results that are favorable to their cause.
"Slower job growth is starting to affect how confident consumers feel,” said Noah Yosif, chief economist at the American Staffing Association. “While the job market is still doing okay, fewer job openings, reduced hours, and slower payroll growth have lowered expectations for spending in the short term.”
The Georgia State Election Board passed a controversial new rule on hand-counting election ballots. Here's what to know.
Put your trivia skills to the test, check your voter registration status and win fabulous prizes Thursday night at The Red Monk.