Runner-up for the title of largest bat by wingspan, the large flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) — also called the greater flying fox, the Malaysian flying fox and the kalang — is another imposing ...
A live-streaming camera is offering insights into a grey-headed flying fox colony in northern NSW, aiming to change public ...
The huge bats are part of the Pteropodidae family, which includes Pteropus vampyrus, the large flying fox (a vegetarian, contrary to its popular image). Scientists believe giant fruit bats are ...
There are over 1,400 different species of bats, and large flying foxes can have a crazy huge wingspan of up to six feet. Can you imagine seeing that flying above you on a cold fall night?
The grey-headed flying fox, a large bat inhabiting the south-eastern forested regions of Australia, is one species which is being adversely affected. It is already listed as vulnerable on the ...
Dr Welbergen says about 10,000 bats of another species - black flying foxes - succumbed to the heat ... But because they often gather in urban areas in large numbers, their deaths can be more ...
Bats are unique. Even though they share the characteristics of all mammals - hair, regulated body temperature, the ability to bear their young alive and nurse them - bats are the only mammals to truly ...
There are around 60 species in this "megabat" group, with the largest being the aptly named "large flying fox," boasting a wingspan of up to 1.5 metres—the longest of any bat. These fruit-eating ...
Three bat species - insect-eating pipistrelle, short-nosed fruit bat, and large flying fox – have been observed at the lake. However, the placement of street lights around the lake to make the ...
These large bats are called flying-foxes. Although we see lots of bats in the suburbs, many types are endangered. Learn how to protect them. Watch our video, download worksheets for language ...
Illegal fruit-tree nets are taking a rising, deadly toll on grey-headed flying foxes, such as the colony in Doveton’s ...