The planets Uranus and Neptune are the farthest away from us in the solar system, so scientists don’t really know much about ...
Astronomers have discovered a group of objects beyond the Kuiper Belt, suggesting the existence of a second, more distant belt in our solar system.
The discovery may help scientists understand when and where planets like super-Earths can form in our galaxy, and help astronomers focus their search for planets around stars that are more likely to ...
Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC) recently installed a permanent Voyage Mark II Model Solar System exhibit on campus as ...
According to a new study, if a primordial black hole passed within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could shift the planet's orbit by about a meter -- causing a "wobble." ...
The universe might be teeming with microscopic black holes the size of an atom but with the mass of a city-sized asteroid, scientists say.
A passing star may have kicked the weird moons of giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn into place, new research suggests.
An MIT study suggests that primordial black holes could be dark matter and might cause detectable wobbles in Mars' orbit.
They found that if a primordial black hole came within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could cause a slight “wobble” ...
Researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University, along with international collaborators, discovered a massive exoplanet ...
Astronomers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun have discovered a new planet in the constellation of the Great ...