Cette interview fait partie de l’initiative multimédia Voices for Human Dignity du Consortium United Against Torture. Cette initiative célèbre le 40e anniversaire de la Convention contre la Torture ...
This interview is part of the United Against Torture Consortium’s Voices for Human Dignity multimedia initiative. This initiative celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Convention against Torture ...
El Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos, programa conjunto de la Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT) y de la Federación Internacional por los Derechos ...
We appreciate and acknowledge the Mission's relevant report and agree that the repression, which deepened in the post-electoral crisis, is part of a context of attacks against human rights defenders.
ID with Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela September 20, 2024 Oral statement by Helena Solà We appreciate the important report ...
Nous souhaitons vous saluer chaleureusement en tant que secrétaire général du Conseil de l’Europe. Nous nous réjouissons de coopérer avec vous et votre bureau. À l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, ...
We would like to warmly welcome you as Secretary General of the Council of Europe. We look forward to cooperate with you and your office. As you start in your position, we believe the human rights ...
My name is Verónica Razo Casales, and I was detained in Mexico without a judicial warrant by the federal police, together with my brother Erik, on 8 June 2011. We were tortured and forced to sign ...