Limerick City Fine Gael General Election candidate Maria Byrne has said publicly-funded HRT would be a gamechanger for ...
From the corridors of power to your inbox ... sign up for your weekly political briefing on what's got people talking in ...
We’ve come a long way since 2011, when the State grappled with the aftermath of the financial crisis and the resulting near ...
With Fine Gael eager to maintain its foothold in Mayo, Jennings is seen as a potential vote-winner capable of rallying ...
Fine Gael has now chosen 65 general election candidates in 40 constituencies, including in Limerick, where it will run ...
Councillor John Naughten and Dympna Daly-Finn have been selected by Fine Gael to represent the party in the Roscommon-Galway ...
Former Kerry captain and All-Ireland medal winner Billy O'Shea has been selected as the Dáil candidate for Fine Gael in Kerry ...
FORMER Kerry captain and All-Ireland medal winner Billy O’Shea has been selected as the sole Dail candidate for Fine Gael in ...
There were no shocks at Fine Gael’s Kerry Convention on Sunday night. There couldn’t be; of the four nominees to run for the ...
Seventeen of the 35 Fine Gael TDs who won seats in 2020 have now confirmed they will not run in the general election ...
Fine Gael's candidate selection process for the general election has been dubbed a 'disaster' that risks running too many candidates in key constituencies.
A new opinion poll has suggested a rise in support for Fine Gael and the Coalition and a fall in support for Sinn Féin.