Economic reasons, cultural attachment, racism, and Islamophobia... more and more Moroccans living abroad are returning or ...
According to the 2023 ranking by the American platform Wisevoter, Morocco has the 25th largest military naval fleet in the ...
With its takeover of Patisen, the royal holding company Al Mada has acquired an African industrial leader with a sales ...
Tanger Med? That’s him. Dakhla Atlantique? That’s him, again. The Bouregreg Valley? Also him… For over five decades, this ...
The earthquake that struck Morocco, causing the death of thousands of people according to the latest report this Saturday, ...
Because of the drought that has plagued Morocco for the past six years, some farmers have decided not to grow watermelon this season, a fruit that requires a lot of water. To survive, some have ...
T he origins of the crisis go back a long way, following a succession of events. It began at the time of Covid-19, when breeders were forced to sell their animals at half or even a quarter of ...
Est-ce le début d'une lune de miel au Maroc pour les entreprises françaises ? Après deux années de froid entre Paris et Rabat ...
Ce vendredi 27 septembre, à partir de 11 h, 27 étudiants en médecine ainsi que des médecins internes et résidents ont été ...
Suite à la saisine déposée par NAPS SA en mai 2023 concernant des pratiques anticoncurrentielles alléguées, le Centre ...
Les Pays-Bas ont réitéré, jeudi à New York, leur position en faveur du plan marocain d’autonomie, le qualifiant de ...