Over the years, the fame of Sriracha has spread to nearly every corner of the globe. It is to younger (middle-aged, even) people what Tabasco was to their parents’ generation: the most famous hot ...
By resetting the terms of discourse Narendra Modi has brought the old left and the old right together. Once bitter ideological opponents have joined hands and pushed back together, trying hard to ...
Riyaz Amlani (Smokehouse, the Socials, etc.) is talking to Garima Arora of the two Michelin starred Gaa in Bangkok to open a new Thai restaurant in Gurgaon, and more such collaborations are on their ...
I used to do an annual round up of the best meals I had eaten in the whole year. Then, the list got so long that I started doing two half-yearly versions. This is the first one of 2024. It has been ...
Put yourself in this situation. You are a top Indian politician. You have fought for two terms against a government that you regard as immoral and a disgrace to the nation. You are not embarrassed to ...
There is a problem with the current tendency to base movies and TV shows on real life and actual events. And that is: what we see on the screen often twists, mangles or falsifies reality either for ...
Have you ever wondered why there are some countries where Indians feel much more at home than others? Most of us enjoy, say Hong Kong or Manila. But we don’t feel particularly at home in either place.
Do you find that most restaurants —especially the fancier ones — are much too dark these days? I certainly do. And I have a general rule. If the light is too “atmospheric” for me to actually see the ...
It is a measure of how polarised our discourse — and much of our society perhaps — has become that the controversy over the Netflix series about the IC 814 hijacking has followed predictably ...
In much of the world, you have restaurants that serve comfort food. This is simple food that you could well make at home but every once in a while you want to give yourself a break and go out for a ...