• Marcel Ciolacu: "84% of the deficit goes to the investment area" • The Fiscal Council: "Undersized expenses, overestimated ...
Nature "makes its head" everywhere in the world. Unusual weather phenomena are encountered at every turn. A 39-year-old woman ...
*"Chiar dacă un fond suveran este un pool de active, ceea ce îl duce spre ideea de fond de investiţii, el nu este reglementat ...
*"Piaţa suferă de lipsa unui element care să compenseze finanţarea din partea instituţiilor de credit"Toate statele care se ...
*"Singura metodă de a atrage investitori este o fiscalitate redusă şi predicibilă"Economia ţării noastre are probleme ...
*"Even if a sovereign wealth fund is a pool of assets, which leads it to the idea of an investment fund, it is not regulated" ...
*"By being included in a sovereign investment fund, the management of companies is removed from the political tutelage and ...
*"The market suffers from the lack of an element to compensate for financing from credit institutions"All self-respecting ...
*"Fondurile suverane de investiţii sunt, printre altele, adevărate scuturi la nivel strategic, economic şi naţional"Fondul ...
*"The only way to attract investors is a low and predictable taxation"Our country's economy has massive structural problems, ...
*"Prin includerea într-un fond suveran de investiţii, administrarea companiilor este scoasă de sub tutela politicului şi dusă ...
The cultural world can offer valuable lessons to those dealing with global politics. An example comes from our country itself ...